An effect of the use of chlorella
- additional weight increases on fattening of КРС and pigs from 25% to 35%.
- the yields of milk of cows increase to 20%, considerably prolonging the term of the economic use of animals;
- sharply the case of sapling/pl grows short;
- reducing the number of insemination and unproductive time service period;
- allows to get a healthy issue with high vital energy;
- by strengthening the immune system and increase resistance dramatically reduced the incidence of animal and thereby reduces the cost of veterinary preparations;
- due to the increase of comprehensibility of forage their expense is saved to 20%;
- improving the quality of animal products.
- egg production rises to 14%; - to the increase of mass of eggs on 9-14%;
- maintenance of carotin increases in an egg in 1,5-2 times;
- the amount of vitamins of А and Е increases in a liver;
- allows to get eggs with high incubation qualities.
- fecundity of paternal herd increases considerably;
- increase the growth rate of young animals;
- the indexes of quality of fur get better considerably, the sizes of hides increase;
significantly improves the quality of fur pelts increased the dimensions themselves;